[ European industrial property right law ]
Course on “European industrial property right law” for patent attorneys.
Europe is growing closer together both politically and economically, and so patent attorneys are thinking and acting more and more internationally: since 2003, the FernUniversität in Hagen, in cooperation with the Chamber of Patent Attorneys, has offered the Master’s course on “European industrial property right law” so that patent attorneys can also offer competent, in-depth advice and representation in the most important European legal systems outside Germany.

The modules offered are an introduction to comparative law, introduction to private international law and the conflict of laws, introduction to European constitutional law, the patent infringement and nullity trial in Germany, England and France, procedural law pursuant to the European Patent Convention, the Council Regulation on the EU trade mark and the Council Regulation on Community designs as well as the substantive design law. Furthermore the european and international civil procedure law. The two-year course ends with a master’s thesis. Following successful completion of the course, the academic degree “Master of Laws” (LL.M) is awarded.
This further-training course is also open to patent attorneys from other Member States of the European Patent Convention and to professional representatives before the European Patent Office (European Patent Attorneys).
More information at: https://fernuni-hagen.de/kurthaertel/studiengaenge/gewerbe/index.shtml